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Drawing template methods


These endpoints are only available in Trading Platform.

List drawing templates

GET request: charts_storage_url/charts_storage_api_version/drawing_templates?client=client_id&user=user_id&tool=toolName, where toolName is a name of a drawing.

Response content

The response is a JSON object containing the following properties:

statusok or error
dataAn array containing items with the name property. This property represents template names (example: Test)

Save drawing template

POST request: charts_storage_url/charts_storage_api_version/drawing_templates?client=client_id&user=user_id&tool=toolName&name=templateName, where:

  • toolName is a drawing name
  • templateName is a custom template name

Request body

The request body contains a JSON object with the content property. This property represents the saved content of a template.

Response content

The response is a JSON object containing the status property, which may have values of either ok or error.

Load drawing template

GET request: charts_storage_url/charts_storage_api_version/drawing_templates?client=client_id&user=user_id&chart=chart_id&tool=toolName&name=templateName, where:

  • toolName is a name of a drawing
  • templateName is a name of a template to get

Response content

The response is a JSON object containing the following properties:

statusok or error
dataData object containing the content property. This property represents saved content of the template.

Delete drawing template

DELETE request: charts_storage_url/charts_storage_api_version/drawing_templates?client=client_id&user=user_id&chart=chart_id&tool=toolName&name=templateName, where:

  • toolName is a name of a drawing
  • templateName is a name of a template to remove

Response content

The response is a JSON object containing the status property, which may have values of either ok or error.