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Saving drawings separately

The library API offers an alternative approach for saving charts where the drawings can be stored separately from the chart layout. This behaviour is activated by the saveload_separate_drawings_storage featureset found in the library settings.

Key advantages

Storing drawings independently boasts several benefits:

  • Per-symbol Drawings: Drawings can now be associated with individual symbols, enabling reuse and flexibility across different layouts or charts.
  • Efficient Data Size Management: Separating drawings and chart layout properties potentially reduces the size of saved objects, optimizing load times and data storage on your server.

Save load adapter

When you enable the saveload_separate_drawings_storage featureset, two extra methods saveLineToolsAndGroups and loadLineToolsAndGroups are expected in your implementation of the IExternalSaveLoadAdapter interface.

Consider the following example which implements the new methods:

class SaveLoadAdapterWithDrawings extends SaveLoadAdapter {
constructor() {
this.drawings = {};

async saveLineToolsAndGroups(layoutId, chartId, state) {
const drawings = state.sources;

if (!this.drawings[this._getDrawingKey(layoutId, chartId)]) {
this.drawings[this._getDrawingKey(layoutId, chartId)] = {}

for (let [key, state] of drawings) {
if (state === null) {
delete this.drawings[this._getDrawingKey(layoutId, chartId)][key];
} else {
this.drawings[this._getDrawingKey(layoutId, chartId)][key] = state;

async loadLineToolsAndGroups(layoutId, chartId) {
const rawSources = this.drawings[this._getDrawingKey(layoutId, chartId)];
if (!rawSources) return null;
const sources = new Map();

for (let [key, state] of Object.entries(rawSources)) {
sources.set(key, state);
return {

_getDrawingKey(layoutId, chartId) {
return `${layoutId}/${chartId}`

Saving drawings per symbol

If you want to save the drawings independently of the chart layout, you can use the following TypeScript example, which extends the localStorage example.

const drawingSourceStorageKey = 'LocalStorageSaveLoadAdapter_drawingSourceSymbol';
export class LocalStorageDrawingsPerSymbolSaveLoadAdapter extends LocalStorageSaveLoadAdapter {
private _drawingSourceSymbols: Record<string, string> = {};
public constructor() {
this._drawingSourceSymbols = this._getFromLocalStorage<Record<string, string>>(drawingSourceStorageKey) ?? {};

protected override _saveAllToLocalStorage(): void {
this._saveToLocalStorage(drawingSourceStorageKey, this._drawingSourceSymbols);

public override async saveLineToolsAndGroups(layoutId: string,
chartId: string | number,
state: LineToolsAndGroupsState): Promise<void> {
const drawings = state.sources;
if (!drawings) return;

for (let [key, state] of drawings) {
const symbolCheckKey = `${layoutId}/${chartId}/${key}`;
const symbol = state?.symbol ?? this._drawingSourceSymbols[symbolCheckKey];
if (!this._drawings[symbol]) this._drawings[symbol] = {};
if (state === null) {
delete this._drawings[symbol][key];
delete this._drawingSourceSymbols[symbolCheckKey];
} else {
this._drawings[symbol][key] = state;
this._drawingSourceSymbols[symbolCheckKey] = symbol;

public override async loadLineToolsAndGroups(
_layoutId: string | undefined,
_chartId: string | number,
_requestType: LineToolsAndGroupsLoadRequestType,
requestContext: LineToolsAndGroupsLoadRequestContext
): Promise<Partial<LineToolsAndGroupsState> | null> {
// We only care about the symbol of the chart
const symbol = requestContext.symbol;
if (!symbol) return null;
const rawSources = this._drawings[symbol];
const sources = new Map();

for (let [key, state] of Object.entries(rawSources)) {
sources.set(key, state);

return {


This method lets you capture and store the current drawings state from your chart.

It accepts three parameters:

  • layoutId: Denotes the specific chart layout
  • chartId: Identifies a particular chart within the layout
  • state: An instance of a LineToolsAndGroupsState object encapsulating the present state of the drawings


Enables the loading of saved drawings back to the chart.

It takes these parameters:

  • layoutId: Represents the current chart layout
  • chartId: Specifies a distinct chart within the layout
  • requestType: Defines the type of load request ('mainSeriesLineTools', 'lineToolsWithoutSymbol', 'allLineTools', or 'studyLineTools')
  • requestContext: Captures contextual details for the request. It can contain specific data useful for certain custom behaviors but isn't always needed for creating the response


If you use the REST API for chart storage, you should implement the following endpoints in addition to the endpoints mentioned in the Develop your own storage section.

Save drawings

POST request: charts_storage_url/charts_storage_api_version/drawings?client=client_id&user=user_id&chart=chart_id&layout=layout_id

  1. state: LineToolsAndGroupsState object


  1. statusok or error

Load drawings

GET request: charts_storage_url/charts_storage_api_version/drawings?client=client_id&user=user_id&chart=chart_id&layout=layout_id


  1. statusok or error
  2. data: Object
    1. state: LineToolsAndGroupsState object

Low-level API methods

The low-level API has additional methods on the chart widget when you enable the saveload_separate_drawings_storage featureset.


This function captures the current drawings state from the chart. You can benefit from this if you need to programmatically capture and store the drawings state.

const state = widget.activeChart().getLineToolsState();
// Send or save state as required...


Enable restoring the drawings on the chart by implementing a previously saved LineToolsAndGroupsState object.

const state = // previously saved state
widget.activeChart().applyLineToolsState(state).then(() => {
console.log('Drawings state restored!');


Triggers a re-request of drawings from the server (via the Save Load Adapter or REST API depending on your implementation).


Customizing the chart save method

The save method on the IChartingLibraryWidget interface now includes options to adjust its behavior. There is an includeDrawings option in SaveChartOptions which determines whether to include drawings in the chart layout object returned by the save method. This can be useful in conjunction with the low-level API methods described above. => {
// Handle saved state...
}, { includeDrawings: false });

Understanding the LineToolsAndGroupsState interface

The LineToolsAndGroupsState interface plays a crucial role in maintaining the state of chart drawings, providing a structure for both individual drawings and drawing groups.

The sources property is a Map, which constructs key-value pairs to represent a distinct drawing. The key, in this case, is an identifier or UUID for a drawing, and the value accompanies a state object exclusive to that drawing. The state object also encapsulates the symbol associated with the drawings, adding another defining layer to the data representation.

Similarly, the groups property is a Map accounting for groups of drawings. Each key-value pair comprises an identifier key or UUID and an array of UUIDs forming the drawing group.

For both sources and groups, a UUID associated with a null value indicates that the respective drawing or drawing group is to be removed. This signifies when a previously existing drawing has been deleted by the user and is no longer present on the chart.


It's important to note that the state objects (LineToolState and LineToolsGroupState) which represent the drawings' state should be treated essentially as black boxes. They are managed by the library and are not expected to be directly modified outside of it.


The process of migrating chart layouts saved with the saveload_separate_drawings_storage featureset, after the feature is enabled, can be undertaken following certain steps. The library will still support loading chart layouts with drawings even when the saveload_separate_drawings_storage featureset is enabled. This allows you to load layouts saved using the pre-existing combined approach (when the drawings are saved in the chart layout) and then save them with the new separated approach (when this featureset is enabled).

Along with the saved data, it is recommended that you store a flag that signifies in which mode the layout was saved. Such that when you load the layout you know whether you need to migrate the data or not. Handling the saving and loading of this optional flag falls outside the API's scope and remains a detail to be implemented within your code.

To migrate a layout, listen for the chart_load_requested event to occur and then evoke the saveChartToServer method on the widget to trigger the layout to be saved again.

If you use the low-level API methods, saving the chart layout would require storing the following two pieces of data.
(chartLayoutState) => {
const drawings = widget.activeChart().getLineToolsState();
// Send or save state as required...
// save drawings
// save chartLayoutState
{ includeDrawings: false }