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Widget Constructor

The Widget Constructor is the entry point to the library. It allows you to embed the library within your web page. You can use the Widget Constructor parameters to customize the widget's appearance and behavior. All parameters are listed in the ChartingLibraryWidgetOptions interface. If you use Trading Platform, you can specify some additional parameters.

The following video tutorial describes Widget Constructor parameters and demonstrates how to use them.

The code sample below shows how to adjust some basic parameters using Widget Constructor.

Advanced Charts parameters

The following parameters relate to Advanced Charts and Trading Platform.

Widget configuration

Use the parameters below to configure basic widget settings:


Chart configuration

Use the parameters below to configure basic chart settings:


Data configuration

Use the parameters below to connect data to the chart:


Chart size

Use the parameters below to customize the chart size:


UI customization

Use the parameters below to customize colors, fonts, price and date formats, and more:


Chart features

If you want to change the chart's behavior or show/hide UI elements, you should use featuresets. The following parameters allow you to enable/disable a certain featureset:


Indicators and drawings

Use the parameters below to customize indicators (studies) and drawings:


Symbol search and comparison

Use the parameters below to customize the Symbol Search:


Saving and loading chart

Specify the following parameters to save/load a chart using the predefined REST API:


Specify the following parameters to save/load a chart using the low-level API:


Specify the save_load_adapter property to save/load a chart using the API handlers.

Specify the settings_adapter property to save user settings and set a watermark.

Trading Platform parameters

All Trading Platform parameters are listed in the TradingTerminalWidgetOptions interface. Most of them duplicate the Advanced Charts parameters. Additional parameters are listed below:
