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Custom Studies Defaults

defaults is a field in Metainfo of Custom Study, containing an object with settings that are applied when user clicks Apply Defaults.

This object has following fields:

* - required

  • bands - an array with band styles. Band style is an object with fields:
    • color* - string
    • linestyle* - number
    • linewidth* - number
    • value* - number
    • visible* - boolean
  • filledAreasStyle - an object. The keys are filled area ids, the values are style objects with fields:
    • color* - string
    • visible* - boolean
    • transparency* - number
  • inputs - an object with input id as a key and default value for this input. The default value can be string, number or bool depending on input type. The field is required if your study has inputs
  • palettes - an object with pallette id as a key and palette definition: [name]: { colors, valToIndex, addDefaultColor }, where
    • colors* - an object { [color_id]: color_info }. The color is an object with following fields:
      • color* - string
      • style* - number
      • width* - number
    • valToIndex - an object, the mapping between the values that are returned by the script and palette color indexes
    • addDefaultColor - boolean, if true the defaults are used for colorer type plot, when its value is NaN
  • precision* - precision of the study's output values (quantity of digits after the decimal separator)
  • styles - an object with plot id as keys and style info as values. plot style is an object with keys, specific for each plot type (see below)

Default Styles

Here is a short reference for plot style object in defaults. Some of fields are the same for all of plot types:

  • visible* - boolean

Additional fields should be added depending on plot type.


  • color* - string, plot color
  • linestyle* - number
  • linewidth* - number
  • trackPrice* - boolean, if true, price line is displayed


  • plottype* - string, can have following values:
    • shape_arrow_down
    • shape_arrow_up
    • shape_circle
    • shape_cross
    • shape_xcross
    • shape_diamond
    • shape_flag
    • shape_square
    • shape_label_down
    • shape_label_up
    • shape_triangle_down
    • shape_triangle_up
  • location*- string, one of the following:
    • AboveBar
    • BelowBar
    • Top
    • Bottom
    • Right
    • Left
    • Absolute
    • AbsoluteUp
    • AbsoluteDown
  • color* - string, plot color
  • textColor* - string, text color


  • char** - string
  • location*- string, one of the following:
    • AboveBar
    • BelowBar
    • Top
    • Bottom
    • Right
    • Left
    • Absolute
    • AbsoluteUp
    • AbsoluteDown
  • color* - string, plot color
  • textColor* - string, color


  • colorup* - string, color
  • colordown* - string, color