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Custom Studies Examples

Requesting Data for Another Ticker

  1. Come up with a new ticker name to display your data and set up your server to return valid SymbolInfo for this new ticker.
  2. Also, set up the server to return valid historical data for this ticker.
  3. Add custom_indicators_getter key to the widget constructor. Its value is a function that returns a Promise object with a list of custom indicators.
  4. (Optional) Update your widget's initialization code to create this indicator when the chart is ready.
custom_indicators_getter: function(PineJS) {
return Promise.resolve([
name: 'Equity',
metainfo: {
_metainfoVersion: 51,
id: 'Equity@tv-basicstudies-1',
description: 'Equity',
shortDescription: 'Equity',
is_price_study: true,
isCustomIndicator: true,
format: {
type: 'price',
// Precision is set to one digit, e.g. 777.7
precision: 1,

plots: [{id: 'plot_0', type: 'line'}],
defaults: {
styles: {
plot_0: {
linestyle: 0,
visible: true,

// Make the line thinner
linewidth: 1,

// Plot type is Line
plottype: 2,

// Show price line
trackPrice: true,

// Set the plotted line color to dark red
color: '#880000'

inputs: {}
styles: {
plot_0: {
// Output name will be displayed in the Style window
title: 'Equity value',
histogramBase: 0,
inputs: [],

constructor: function() {
this.init = function(context, inputCallback) {
this._context = context;
this._input = inputCallback;

// Define the symbol to be plotted.
// Symbol should be a string.
// You can use PineJS.Std.ticker(this._context) to get the selected symbol's ticker.
// For example,
// var symbol = 'AAPL';
// var symbol = '#EQUITY';
// var symbol = PineJS.Std.ticker(this._context) + '#TEST';
const symbol = '#EQUITY'; // #EQUITY should be replaced with the symbol you want to resolve
this._context.new_sym(symbol, PineJS.Std.period(this._context));

this.main = function(context, inputCallback) {
this._context = context;
this._input = inputCallback;
// Select the main symbol
const mainSymbolTime = this._context.new_var(this._context.symbol.time);

// Select the secondary symbol
const secondarySymbolTime = this._context.new_var(this._context.symbol.time);

// Align the times of the secondary symbol to the main symbol
const secondarySymbolClose = this._context.new_var(PineJS.Std.close(this._context));
const alignedClose = secondarySymbolClose.adopt(secondarySymbolTime, mainSymbolTime, 1);

// Select the main symbol again

return [alignedClose];

Coloring Bars


custom_indicators_getter: function (PineJS) {
return Promise.resolve([
name: 'Bar Colorer Demo',
metainfo: {
_metainfoVersion: 51,

id: "BarColoring@tv-basicstudies-1",
name: "BarColoring",
description: "Bar Colorer Demo",
shortDescription: "Bar Coloring",

isCustomIndicator: true,
is_price_study: true,

format: {
type: 'price',
precision: 4,

defaults: {
palettes: {
palette_0: {
// palette colors
// change it to the default colors that you prefer,
// but note that the user can change them in the Style tab
// of indicator properties
colors: [
{ color: '#FFFF00' },
{ color: '#0000FF' }
inputs: [],
plots: [{
id: 'plot_0',

// plot type should be set to 'bar_colorer'
type: 'bar_colorer',

// this is the name of the palette that is defined
// in 'palettes' and 'defaults.palettes' sections
palette: 'palette_0'
palettes: {
palette_0: {
colors: [
{ name: 'Color 0' },
{ name: 'Color 1' }

// the mapping between the values that
// are returned by the script and palette colors
valToIndex: {
100: 0,
200: 1
constructor: function() {
this.main = function(context, input) {
this._context = context;
this._input = input;

var valueForColor0 = 100;
var valueForColor1 = 200;

// perform your calculations here and return one of the constants
// that is specified as a key in 'valToIndex' mapping
var result =
Math.random() * 100 % 2 > 1 ? // we randomly select one of the color values
valueForColor0 : valueForColor1;

return [result];

Custom Styles for Every Point


custom_indicators_getter: function(PineJS) {
return Promise.resolve([
name: 'Custom Styles For Every Point',
metainfo: {
_metainfoVersion: 51,
id: 'CustomStylesForEveryPoint@tv-basicstudies-1',
description: 'Custom Styles For Every Point',
shortDescription: 'Custom Styles For Every Point',
is_price_study: false,
isCustomIndicator: true,
plots: [
'id': 'plot_0',
'type': 'line',
'id': 'plot_1',
'type': 'colorer',
'target': 'plot_0',
'palette': 'paletteId1',
palettes: {
paletteId1: {
colors: {
0: {
name: 'First color',
1: {
name: 'Second color',
defaults: {
palettes: {
paletteId1: {
colors: {
0: {
color: 'red',
width: 1,
style: 0,
1: {
color: 'blue',
width: 3,
style: 1,
styles: {},
precision: 4,
inputs: {},
styles: {
plot_0: {
title: 'Equity value',
histogramBase: 0,
inputs: [],
format: {
type: 'price',
precision: 4,
constructor: function() {
this.main = function(context, inputCallback) {
this._context = context;
this._input = inputCallback;

const value = Math.random() * 200;
const colorIndex = value > 100 ? 0 : 1;

return [value, colorIndex];

Complex Filled Areas

Advanced Shapes Use


custom_indicators_getter: function(PineJS) {
return Promise.resolve([
name: 'Mondays',
metainfo: {
_metainfoVersion: 51,
defaults: {
styles: {
plot_0: {
color: '#FF5252',
textColor: '#2196F3',
plottype: 'shape_circle',
location: 'Bottom',
visible: true
inputs: {}
plots: [
id: 'plot_0',
type: 'shapes'
styles: {
plot_0: {
isHidden: false,
location: 'Bottom',
text: 'Monday',
title: 'Shapes'
description: 'Mondays',
shortDescription: 'Mondays',
is_price_study: true,
inputs: [],
id: 'Mondays@tv-basicstudies-1',
format: {
type: 'inherit',
constructor: function() {
this.main = function(context, inputCallback) {
// If we don't have a time, then we cannot determine the day of week
if (isNaN(context.symbol.time)) {
return [NaN]

// Check if the day of the week is Monday
const dayofweek = PineJS.Std.dayofweek(context);
const shouldBeShapeVisible = dayofweek === 2;
// 1 is plot value, it'll be displayed in legend of the indicator
// NaN means that there is no value for that plot and shape should be hidden for that bar
const plotValue = shouldBeShapeVisible ? 1 : NaN;
return [plotValue];

Advanced Colouring Candles


custom_indicators_getter: function(PineJS) {
return Promise.resolve([
name: 'Advanced Coloring Candles',
metainfo: {
_metainfoVersion: 51,

id: 'advancedcolouringcandles@tv-basicstudies-1',
name: 'Advanced Coloring Candles',
description: 'Advanced Coloring Candles',
shortDescription: 'Advanced Coloring Candles',

isCustomIndicator: true,

is_price_study: false, // whether the study should appear on the main series pane.
linkedToSeries: true, // whether the study price scale should be the same as the main series one.

format: {
type: 'price',
precision: 2,

plots: [
id: 'plot_open',
type: 'ohlc_open',
target: 'plot_candle',
id: 'plot_high',
type: 'ohlc_high',
target: 'plot_candle',
id: 'plot_low',
type: 'ohlc_low',
target: 'plot_candle',
id: 'plot_close',
type: 'ohlc_close',
target: 'plot_candle',
id: 'plot_bar_color',
type: 'ohlc_colorer',
palette: 'palette_bar',
target: 'plot_candle',
id: 'plot_wick_color',
type: 'wick_colorer',
palette: 'palette_wick',
target: 'plot_candle',
id: 'plot_border_color',
type: 'border_colorer',
palette: 'palette_border',
target: 'plot_candle',

palettes: {
palette_bar: {
colors: [{ name: 'Colour One' }, { name: 'Colour Two' }],

valToIndex: {
0: 0,
1: 1,
palette_wick: {
colors: [{ name: 'Colour One' }, { name: 'Colour Two' }],

valToIndex: {
0: 0,
1: 1,
palette_border: {
colors: [{ name: 'Colour One' }, { name: 'Colour Two' }],

valToIndex: {
0: 0,
1: 1,

ohlcPlots: {
plot_candle: {
title: 'Candles',

defaults: {
ohlcPlots: {
plot_candle: {
borderColor: '#000000',
color: '#000000',
drawBorder: true,
drawWick: true,
plottype: 'ohlc_candles',
visible: true,
wickColor: '#000000',

palettes: {
palette_bar: {
colors: [
{ color: '#1948CC', width: 1, style: 0 },
{ color: '#F47D02', width: 1, style: 0 },
palette_wick: {
colors: [
{ color: '#0C3299', },
{ color: '#E65000', },
palette_border: {
colors: [
{ color: '#5B9CF6', },
{ color: '#FFB74D', },

precision: 2,
inputs: {},
styles: {},
inputs: [],
constructor: function () {
this.main = function (context, inputCallback) {
this._context = context;
this._input = inputCallback;


const o =;
const h = PineJS.Std.high(this._context);
const l = PineJS.Std.low(this._context);
const c = PineJS.Std.close(this._context);

// Color is determined randomly
const colour = Math.round(Math.random());
return [o, h, l, c, colour /*bar*/, colour /*wick*/, colour /*border*/];