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Implement metainfo


This article is part of a tutorial about creating a custom indicator. We recommend that you follow the guide from the start.

CustomIndicator has the required metainfo field that you will specify at this part of the tutorial. To do this, create a StudyMetaInfo object that contains indicator metadata and assign this object to metainfo.

For a thorough understanding of the StudyMetaInfo implementation, consider the Metainfo article.

1. Specify service information

Add service information required for any custom indicator. The code sample below specifies the _metainfoVersion and id properties.

metainfo: {
_metainfoVersion: 53,
id: "Custom Moving Average@tv-basicstudies-1",
// ...

2. Specify indicator name

Specify the indicator name that will be displayed in the Indicators dialog and the Legend. To do this, use the description and shortDescription properties, respectively.

metainfo: {
// ...
description: "Custom Moving Average", // Name in the Indicators dialog
shortDescription: "Custom MA", // Name in the Legend

3. Position on the chart

Custom Moving Average should be displayed on the same pane with the source symbol and remain attached to this symbol. Therefore, you should configure the is_price_study and linkedToSeries properties as follows:

metainfo: {
// ...
is_price_study: true, // Display on the same pane with symbol
linkedToSeries: true, // Attach indicator to the symbol

If an indicator is attached to the symbol, users cannot move the symbol to another pane without the indicator.

4. Specify visual representation

Each indicator is represented with visual elements such as plots, bands (horizontal lines), and filled (color) areas. In this tutorial, the Custom Moving Average indicator will be represented with two plots. To implement the plots and specify their appearance, adjust the properties below.


Define two plots in plots as follows:

metainfo: {
// ...
plots: [
{ id: "plot_0", type: "line" }, // Simple Moving Average
{ id: "smoothedMA", type: "line" }, // Smoothing Line

The plots property contains two StudyLinePlotInfo objects with the following parameters:

  • id that is used to refer to the plot
  • type that specifies the plot form


Next, use the styles property to specify appearance settings for each plot defined in plots.

The styles property should contain a MappedObject. In this object, key is a certain plot's id, and TValue is a StudyStylesInfo object. In StudyStylesInfo, specify basic appearance settings that are initialized once and cannot be changed by users, for example, the plot's name in the Styles tab.

Note that users can change a line type in the UI, for example, from Line to Histogram. Therefore, you should specify StudyStylesInfo properties related to other line types if necessary.

metainfo: {
// ...
styles: {
plot_0: {
title: "Plot", // Name in the Styles tab
histogramBase: 0, // Histogram base level
joinPoints: false // Whether join points when the plot type is `Circles` or `Cross`
smoothedMA: {
title: "Smoothed MA",
histogramBase: 0,
joinPoints: false,
Styles tab

Style defaults

All default indicator settings should be stored in a StudyDefaults object. You should assign this object to defaults.

To provide default appearance settings for each plot defined in plots, use the styles property within StudyDefaults. This property should contain a MappedObject. In this object, key is a certain plot's id, and TValue is a StudyLinePlotPreferences object. In StudyLinePlotPreferences, specify default appearance settings, for example, a line color and width.

metainfo: {
// ...
defaults: {
styles: {
plot_0: {
linestyle: 0, // LineStyle.Solid
linewidth: 1,
plottype: 0, // LineStudyPlotStyle.Line
trackPrice: false, // Hide the price line
transparency: 0,
visible: true,
color: "#2196F3",
smoothedMA: {
linestyle: 0,
linewidth: 1,
plottype: 0,
trackPrice: false,
transparency: 0,
visible: true,
color: "#9621F3",

Users can change these appearance settings in the Styles tab.

Styles tab

5. Specify data

Next, you should specify data that the indicator uses.

Data format

Depending on the indicator data, the Price Scale displays price, volume, or percent values. You can specify the indicator's data type using the format property. In this tutorial, Custom Moving Average has the same format as the source symbol. Therefore, format is set to inherit.

metainfo: {
// ...
format: { type: "inherit" },


You can allow users to adjust some indicator parameters such as a source symbol or time period. To do this, specify input parameters that users can change in the Inputs tab. The parameter values are used in the indicator calculations.

To specify input parameters, assign an array of objects to the inputs property. Each object should implement a certain interface depending on the parameter type. The table below contains the Custom Moving Average input parameters and the corresponding interfaces.

Input parameterInterfaceDescription
LengthStudyNumericInputInfoA time period that is used in calculating the SMA.
SourceStudySourceInputInfoBar values that are used in calculating the SMA.
OffsetStudyNumericInputInfoA number of bars to shift to the right or left.
Smoothing LineStudyTextInputInfoA type of the Smoothing Line. Possible types are: SMA, EMA, and WMA.
Smoothing LengthStudyNumericInputInfoA length of the Smoothing Line.

All these interfaces have the following properties:

  • id that is used to refer to the input parameter
  • name that specifies the parameter name in the Inputs tab
  • type that specifies the parameter data type
  • defval that specifies the default parameter value

Other properties depend on the parameter type.

Implement the input parameters as follows:

metainfo: {
// ...
inputs: [
id: "length",
name: "Length", // Parameter name in the Inputs tab
defval: 9, // 9 bars
type: "integer",
min: 1,
max: 10000,
id: "source",
name: "Source",
defval: "close", // Close price
type: "source",
options: [ // Options in the drop-down menu
id: "offset",
name: "Offset",
defval: 0,
type: "integer",
min: -10000,
max: 10000,
id: "smoothingLine",
name: "Smoothing Line",
defval: "SMA",
type: "text",
options: ["SMA", "EMA", "WMA"],
id: "smoothingLength",
name: "Smoothing Length",
defval: 9,
type: "integer",
min: 1,
max: 10000,
Inputs tab

Input defaults

In Style defaults, you have created the StudyDefaults object and assigned it to defaults.

To provide default values for each input parameter defined in inputs, use the inputs property within StudyDefaults. This property should contain the id properties of all input parameters and the corresponding default values.

metainfo: {
// ...
defaults: {
styles: {
// ...
inputs: {
length: 9,
source: "close",
offset: 0,
smoothingLine: "SMA",
smoothingLength: 9,

Complete code

At this stage, you have implemented the StudyMetaInfo object and assigned it to the metainfo field.

Expand to view the complete code for the StudyMetaInfo object.
var widget = window.tvWidget = new TradingView.widget({
// ...
custom_indicators_getter: function(PineJS) {
return Promise.resolve([
// Indicator object
name: 'Custom Moving Average',
metainfo: {
_metainfoVersion: 53,
id: "Custom Moving Average@tv-basicstudies-1",
description: "Custom Moving Average",
shortDescription: "Custom MA",
format: { type: "inherit" },
linkedToSeries: true,
is_price_study: true,
plots: [
{ id: "plot_0", type: "line" },
{ id: "smoothedMA", type: "line" },
defaults: {
styles: {
plot_0: {
linestyle: 0,
linewidth: 1,
plottype: 0,
trackPrice: false,
transparency: 0,
visible: true,
color: "#2196F3",
smoothedMA: {
linestyle: 0,
linewidth: 1,
plottype: 0,
trackPrice: false,
transparency: 0,
visible: true,
color: "#9621F3",
inputs: {
length: 9,
source: "close",
offset: 0,
smoothingLine: "SMA",
smoothingLength: 9,
styles: {
plot_0: { title: "Plot", histogramBase: 0, joinPoints: true },
smoothedMA: {
title: "Smoothed MA",
histogramBase: 0,
joinPoints: false,
inputs: [
id: "length",
name: "Length",
defval: 9,
type: "integer",
min: 1,
max: 10000,
id: "source",
name: "Source",
defval: "close",
type: "source",
options: [
id: "offset",
name: "Offset",
defval: 0,
type: "integer",
min: -10000,
max: 10000,
id: "smoothingLine",
name: "Smoothing Line",
defval: "SMA",
type: "text",
options: ["SMA", "EMA", "WMA"],
id: "smoothingLength",
name: "Smoothing Length",
defval: 9,
type: "integer",
min: 1,
max: 10000,
constructor: function() {
// ...

Next, you will specify the constructor field.